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The Baltic States and the European Union

Plenary /
Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Latvia
Member of the European Parliament and Coordinator on the Subcommittee on Security and Defence, European People's Party (Christian Democrats), Brussels
Finance Minister
Ambassador at Large, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Lithuania
Former President, Republic of Estonia, Tallinn
Member of the European Parliament


Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Latvia

1981-1984 Post Graduate, University of Latvia
1976-1981 Department of History and Philosophy, University of Latvia
 July 1999 - present Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Latvia (confirmed July 16, 1999).
1998 - July 1999 Elected Deputy Speaker of the 7th Saeima (Parliament); Head of Latvia's delegation to the Inter-Parliamentary Union.
1997 - 1998 Secretary of the 6th Saeima; Head of the Latvian delegation to the North Atlantic Assembly.
1995 - 1997 Chairman of the the 6th Saeima Foreign Affairs Committee; member of Latvia's delegation to the Inter-Parliamentary Union.
1993 - 1995 Deputy Chairman of Latvia's Way Parliamentary Faction in the 5th Saeima; member of Latvia's delegation to the North Atlantic Assembly.
1992 - 1993 Elected Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Supreme Council; Chairman of the Parliamentary Faction of the Popular Front.
1990 - 1993 Member of the Supreme Council of the Republic of Latvia; Deputy Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Supreme Council.
1984 - 1990 Lecturer in history at the University of Latvia in Riga and the Latvian Academy of Agriculture in Jelgava.
1993 - present Board member of the political party, Latvia's Way.

Michael GAHLER

Member of the European Parliament and Coordinator on the Subcommittee on Security and Defence, European People's Party (Christian Democrats), Brussels

1966-1970 Adolf-Reichwein elementary school in Frankfurt-Zeilsheim
1970-1978 Leibniz High School and BIKUZ High School in Frankfurt-Höchst
1979-1980 Enlisted soldier at the telecommunications batallion
1981-1987 Study of law in Mainz, 1st state examination
1987-1990 Traineeship in Frankfurt, Hochheim and Brussels, 2nd state examination
1990-1991 Attaché formation at the diplomatic school of the Foreign Office
1991-1993 Assistant in the department International Environmental Politics of the Foreign Office
1993-1995 Assistant in the Foreign Affairs Office of the CDU
1995-1999 Assistant for the Baltic States and the Baltic Sea Council in the Foreign Office
since 1999 Member of the European Parliament
 Functions in the parliamentary period 1999-2004
 - Member of the Committee of Foreign Affairs, Human Rights, Security and Defence Politics
 - Substitute member in the committee of development and cooperation
 - First Vicepresident of the parliamentary committee EU-Lithuania
 - Substitute member of the delegation in the parliamentary committee EU-Latvia
 Political Activities
 Since 1978 Membership of the Junge Union (JU)
1985-1987 Secretary, Deputy President and President of the JU municipal association Hattersheim
1987-1989 Treasurer, Deputy President and President of the JU district association Main-Taunus
1990 -1993 Treasurer and President of the JU county association Nassau
 Deputy of the county in the Hessian regional association
1991-1996 Member of the International Commission in the JU federal association
since 1981 Membership of the CDU
1986-1989 CDU city councillor, member of the executive until 1991
since 1988 Member of the CDU district assembly
1993-1997 Member of the Regional Planning Assembly at the Regional Council Darmstadt
1994-1996 President of the German Federal Court of Arbitration
since 1994 Deputy President of the CDU municipal association
since 1995 Delegate to the EPP-congress in the CDU federal association
since 1999 Member of the European Parliament in the CDU regional association


Finance Minister

 Siim Kallas graduated cum laude from the Tallinn Secondary School No 22 in 1967 and from Tartu State University in finance and credit in 1972.
 He was a post-graduate student until 1975 and now is a visiting professor at the university.
1995-1999 member of parliament and the parliamentary National Defense Committee
1995-1996 minister of foreign affairs of the Republic of Estonia
1991-1995 president of the Bank of Estonia
1989-1991 chairman of the Estonian Central Association of Trade Unions
1986-1989 deputy editor of the newspaper Rahva Hääl (People's Voice)
1979-1986 director of the Estonian Central Board of Savings Banks
1975-1979 specialist at the Finance Ministry of the Estonian Soviet Socialist Republic


Ambassador at Large, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Lithuania

1997 - 2001Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Lithuania to the European Communities
1992-1997 Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Lithuania to the Kingdom of Sweden
1992, September 28 Diplomatic rank of Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary
1989-1992 Director and Editor-in-Chief, Publishing company, Vilnius, Lithuania
1973-1989 Editor, Vice Editor-in-Chief of the science and technology academic journal Mokslas ir technika Vilnius, Lithuania
1972-1973 Chief Economist, Head of Unit, State Planning Committee, Vilnius, Lithuania
1967-1972 Vice Head of Unit, Chief Economist, Labour market coordination and management, Labour Committee, Vilnius, Lithuania
1965-1967 Head of Labour and Wages Department, Fuel injector production factory, Vilnius,Lithuania
1965 Graduated from Kaunas Institute of Technology,
 Diploma in Economy and Engineering

Lennart MERI

Former President, Republic of Estonia, Tallinn

1953 graduated from the Faculty of History and Languages of Tartu University
 worked as dramatist and producer of radio plays in the Estonian broadcasting
1958 wrote his first book after trip to Central Asia and old Islamic centrs in the Kara-Kum Desert
 many books and films on more travels followed and were translated into a dozen languages
 significantly contributed to the preservation of the Estonian national identity; first to take protest abroad against Soviet plan of mining phosphate in Estonia (later: the "Singing Revolution")
1988 founded non-governmental Estonian Institute to promote cultural contacts with the West & send Estonian students to study abroad
1990 appointed Minister of Foreign Affairs after the first non-communist elections
 participated in the CSCE Conferences in Copenhagen, New York,


Member of the European Parliament

 After studies of journalism, contemporary history and political science she became foreign policy editor in the ORF (Austrian Broadoasting Corportation /Radio and Television).
 She worked in TV as single editor and was the first anchor woman to present the main news on Austrian TV. She did many reports on Spain and the Middle East and travelled widely in Europe.
 Ursula Stenzel won two elections to the European Parliament on top of the list of the Austrian People s Party.