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Umwelt und Wettbewerbsfähigkeit: Antagonismus und Synergie

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German and English language
Lafarge Perlmooser AG, Leiter der Abteilung Umweltschutz und Behördenangelegenheiten sowie Sicherheit
Researcher, Hamburg Institute of Int. Economics, Managing Director, arrhenius consult GmbH
President and founder of Kelly Public Strategies, LLC., former Executive Director & Chief Executive Officer of the Global Climate Coalition
Head of Unit "Climate, Ozone and Energy", DG Environment of the European Commission
Executive Director, Climate Policy Center (CPC) Chair

Mag. DI Dr. Johannes DAUL

Lafarge Perlmooser AG, Leiter der Abteilung Umweltschutz und Behördenangelegenheiten sowie Sicherheit

1983-1989 Studium an der Montanuniversität Leoben
1987-1993 Institut für Bergbaukunde, Bergtechnik und Bergwirtschaft der Montanuniversität Leoben
1990-1995 Montanuniversität Leoben
  Dissertationsstudium, Promotion zum Dr. mont.
1993-2001 Berghauptmannschaft Graz, ab 1996 stellvertretender Amtsleiter
1995-2001 Karl Franzens Universität Graz, Rechtswissenschaften
1999-2001 Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Arbeit, Abteilung Bergtechnik und Sicherheit, unter gleichzeitiger Beibehaltung der Funktion in Graz
2002 Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Arbeit in Wien, Abteilung Bergtechnik und Sicherheit sowie Abteilung Montanbehörde West
seit 2002 Lafarge Perlmooser AG, Leiter der Abteilung Umweltschutz und Behördenangelegenheiten, seit 2005 zusätzlich Sicherheit

Institut Hamburgisches Welt-Wirtschafts-

Researcher, Hamburg Institute of Int. Economics, Managing Director, arrhenius consult GmbH

2000 Graduation at Technical University Hamburg-Harburg in Industrial Engineering and Management
  Researcher at TUHH
since 2000 Researcher at the Hamburg Institute of Int. Economics,
  Programme on Int. Climate Policy (partime)
2000-2003 Project Manager at HEW AG (German utility) within the "energyconcept future" (partime)
2004 PhD "On the Design of the Int. Climate Policy Regime"
2005 Managing Director of arrhenius consult GmbH


President and founder of Kelly Public Strategies, LLC., former Executive Director & Chief Executive Officer of the Global Climate Coalition

 Kelly is a graduate of Washington University in St. Louis.
 Clients of Kelly Public Strategies benefit from Kelly's extensive experience in navigating Washington's complex mix of policy, political, business and media channels to secure their desired objectives (clients include: Ten major U.S. manufacturing and energy trade associations, and the Federal Bureau of Investigation Agents Association, among others).
 Before joining Team Emerson, he was a government affairs representative for technology policy at a Washington-based law firm, and the Manager of Government Relations and Public Affairs for the North American Telecommunications Association. He also served as an Associate Member of the Board of Directors of UTAM, Inc., a personal communications services corporation.
 Kelly also served as Deputy Chief of Staff to U.S. Representative Jo Ann Emerson of Missouri, a member of the House Appropriations Committee. He earlier served as a senior legislative advisor to the late Congressman Bill Emerson and as an aide to former Congressman Tom Coleman.
 Kelly formerly served as Executive Director & Chief Executive Officer of the Global Climate Coalition, the leading public affairs advocacy group responsible for successfully positioning business in the important and complex climate change policy debate and was previously Managing Director of Qorvis Communications, where he directed the firm's energy and environmental practice areas.


Head of Unit "Climate, Ozone and Energy", DG Environment of the European Commission

1985 he started his professional career at the University of Göttingen, Germany.
 His main scientific topics were natural resources economics and development economics, which included extensive field research in West Africa
1993 he joined the European Commission, starting his career in the EC Delegation in Zimbabwe where he was responsible for the bilateral co-operation covering agricultural policies, rural development and the environment.
1997-2001 he worked in DG Development and DG Environment in Brussels on a wide range of environmental issues, particularly climate change.
2001 he was appointed Head of Operations in the EC Delegation to Bosnia and Herzegovina.
2003 he took up his position as Head of the Climate, Ozone and Energy Unit.

Bachelor of Art Lee LANE

Executive Director, Climate Policy Center (CPC)

 He has been the Center s Executive Director since the founding of its predecessor organization in 2000. Mr. Lane leads the development and implementation of the organization s strategic options and directs its overall management. During his tenure as Executive Director, CPC has expanded its scope to encompass emission control policies, energy R&D, and the search for effective international agreements on climate change.
 Mr. Lane speaks extensively on policy issues related to climate change, technology development, and energy. In 2004, the US State Department sponsored his lecture tour to Germany and Belgium. Also in 2004 he helped to organize a multi-disciplinary panel discussion on the science, economics, and politics of climate policy at the fall meeting of the American Geophysical Union. CPC s own Climate Policy Seminar Series, directed by Mr. Lane, regularly arranges presentations by leading experts to audiences that include government, academia and NGOs.
 Mr. Lane has more than 20 years of senior executive experience in the corporate sector, including as Vice President of CSX Corporation. Earlier he was Vice President for Policy of the Association of American Railroads and the President of Policy Services Inc, a policy and advocacy consulting firm in Washington DC. In these roles, he has managed several highly successful issue campaigns involving economic research, public education, media, and advocacy activities. In the past, Mr. Lane has written and spoken on issues of transportation, international trade, energy policy, and environment.


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