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Vertrauen und Misstrauen in der Nachbarschaft

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in englischer Sprache
Visiting professor of European Studies, School of Advanced International Studies, Johns Hopkins University Bologna Center, Bologna
Senior Policy Advisor, UNICEF Brussels Office - Relations with EU Institutions, Brussels
Minister for Foreign and European Affairs, Slovak Republic, Bratislava
Senator, Parliament of the Czech Republic, Prague
Generalsekretär, Bundesministerium für europäische und internationale Angelegenheiten, Wien Chair


Visiting professor of European Studies, School of Advanced International Studies, Johns Hopkins University Bologna Center, Bologna

 Degree in Law, Milan University; Harkness Scholarship for Graduate Studies Columbia University, New York
 Professional Experience:
 Past: Professor of International Relations and Russian and East European History, University of Milan, University of Bologna, University of Naples "l Orientale", School of Advanced International Studies Washington D.C., State Institute in International Studies (Mgimo) Moscow.
 Lecturer: Master of Human Rights Politics, University of Siena; Master in Conflict Management, Scuola Superiore S.Anna, Pisa; Master in International Relations, University of Bologna.
 Department analyst Istituto di Studi Internazionali, Milan; Istituto Affari Internazionali, Rome; Bundesinstitute für Ostwissenschaftliche und Internationale Studien, Köln, Germany.
 Guest Lecturer (Selective list): Nato Defense College, Rome; Wilton Park Conference, United Kingdom; Istituto Diplomatico Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Rome; Centro Studi per la Difesa, Rome; Gorbachev Foundation, Moscow; Freie Universität Berlin.
 Present: Adjunct Professor of European Studies, Johns Hopkins University, Bologna Center, Italy. Scientific Consultant "Globus et Locus" Foundation, Milan, Italy
 Interest on topical subjects:
 The post Cold War and the International System; Globalisation, Democratisation and Westernisation; Euro-American Expansion in the post Soviet Space; Putin s Security and Power Politics; Order, Justice and the International System.


Senior Policy Advisor, UNICEF Brussels Office - Relations with EU Institutions, Brussels

1995-1998 M.A. Hons., Modern History, Oxford University
1998-1999 Graduate Diploma in International Relations and Economics, The Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies
1999-2001 Co-founder and Project Manager, European Stability Initiative (ESI), Berlin
2001-2004 Team Leader, Lessons Learned and Analysis Unit, United Nations Interim Administration in Kosovo
since 2004 Head of ESI Turkey project, Istanbul
2007 World Fellow, Yale University, New Haven
2008 Special Advisor to the Mayor of Mitrovica

Dr. Miroslav LAJCAK

Minister for Foreign and European Affairs, Slovak Republic, Bratislava

1988-1991 Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Czechoslovakia, Prague
1991-1993 Embassy of Czechoslovakia, Moscow
1993-1994 Director, Cabinet of the Prime Minister of Slovakia; Director, Cabinet of the Minister, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Slovak Republic, Bratislava
1994-1998 Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Slovak Republic to Japan
1998-2001 Director, Cabinet of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Slovak Republic, Bratislava
2001-2005 Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Slovak Republic to the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (later Serbia and Montenegro), Republic of Albania and the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia
2005-2006 Personal Representative of EU High Representative for CFSP to facilitate the Montenegrin dialogue
2005-2007 Director General for Political Affairs - Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Bratislava
2007-2009 High Representative / EU Special Representative for Bosnia and Herzegovina Gallery
2009-2010 Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Slovak Republic
2010-2012 Managing Director, Europe and Central Asia, EEAS - European External Action Service, Brussels
2012-2016 Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign and European Affairs of the Slovak Republic
since 2016 Minister of Foreign and European Affairs of the Slovak Republic
2017-2018 President of the 72nd session of the UN General Assembly

Alexandr VONDRA

Senator, Parliament of the Czech Republic, Prague

1979-1984 Geography at the Faculty of Natural Sciences of the Charles´ University, Prague
 activities in democratic opposition, left the faculty and worked several years as the administrator of the Asian collection of Náprstek museum in the castle in Libchov
1982-1986 Manager of the underground rock band Národní tYída, the members of which were young musicians, artists and writers;
 published a samizdat magazine Revolver revue together with Jáchym Topol and Ivan Lamper
 since mid 1980s Contacts with dissidents in Hungary, Poland and Lithuania
1987 Became a member of Polish-Czechoslovak Solidarity and participated in meetings of representatives of Czechoslovak and Polish opposition in mountains on state borders and co-organized regular smuggling of literature, correspondence and technolology across border mountains.
1989 Speaker of the Charta 77 and one of the authors of the petition, several sentences;
 jailed for his activities in the prisons of Ruzyn and Pankrác
One of the founders of the Civic Forum, a political movement which lead the country to the first free elections
 Informa ní servis was established which later became Respekt weekly
1990-1992 Foreign and political advisor to the President Václav Havel
1990 Initiated the meeting of intellectuals and top representatives of Czechoslovakia, Hungary and Poland in Bratislava which later lead to the establishment of Visegrád co-operation
1992-1997 First Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs
 He lead the Czech team which divided Czechoslovak foreign service, he was the Czech negotiator during talks with Germany concerning joint declaration and started discussions concerning the accession of the R to the NATO.
1997-2001 Czech Ambassador to the United States
2001-2002 Plenipotentiary of the Czech Government for the preparation of the Summit meeting of NATO in Prague
2003 Left diplomacy on his own decision
2004 Expert assistant of the German Marshall Fund of the U.S in Prague
2004-2006 Acting officer and consultant of international firm Dutko Worldwide, reads lectures on Euro-American relations at the New York University (NYU) in Prague, President of the Czech Euroatlantic Council
 He also became one of the founders of a foreign-political think-tank PASS (Program of Atlantic Security Studies in Prague) and participated in the establishment of the discussion club Osma.
 In Ústí nad Labem he helped to establish Collegium Bohemicum, the institution which will help the City museum to study history and present of Czech-German relations.
2006 Foreign Minister of the Czech Republic in the first government of Mr Mirek Topolanek
2007-2009 Deputy Prime Minister for European Affairs in the second government of Mr Mirek Topolanek
since 2009 Senator, Parliament of the Czech Republic, Prague

Dr. Johannes KYRLE

Generalsekretär, Bundesministerium für europäische und internationale Angelegenheiten, Wien

1966-1970 Legal studies at the University of Vienna
1970 Doctor of Law
1971-1973 Legal work at courts and banks
1973 Entry into the Austrian Diplomatic Service
1975 Diplomatic Exam, afterwards employed at the Multilateral Economic Department, the Secretariat General and Cabinet of the Minister (1976)
1985-1996 Deputy Head of the Cabinet of the Federal Minister for Foreign Affairs
1991-2002 Austrian Ambassador to the Principality of Liechtenstein with residence in Vienna
1997-2002 Chief of Protocol
since 2002 Secretary-General for Foreign Affairs

Politische Gespräche

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