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Einführung in die Themenschwerpunkte der Arbeitskreise

Plenary /
in deutscher Sprache
President, The Austrian Society of General Practice and Family Medicine, Vienna
Director, HS&I HealthSystemIntelligence; Research Associate, Medical University Vienna (tbc)
Nursing and Patient Advocate, Vienna
Managing Director, Institute for German, European and International Medical Law, Public Health Law and Bioethics at the Universities of Heidelberg and Mannheim
Managing Director, promitto organisationsberatung gmbh, Vienna Chair

Dr. Reinhold GLEHR

President, The Austrian Society of General Practice and Family Medicine, Vienna

since 1978 General Practitioner in Practice
 Lecturer Med-UNI Graz (communication skills training)
 Member of the AMC-Accreditation Council


Director, HS&I HealthSystemIntelligence; Research Associate, Medical University Vienna

1973-1977 Registered Nurse, School of Nursing, Krankenhaus Moedling
1984-1991 Master of Science in Economics, University of Vienna
1991-1995 Economist, Project Coordinator, OEBIG - Österreichisches Bundesinstitut für Gesundheitswesen, Vienna
1994-1995 Master of Public Health, The Johns Hopkins University School of Hygiene and Public Health, Baltimore
1996-1996 Economist, Health Planer Magistratsabteilung 15 - Public Health, Public Administration, Vienna
2000-2001 Consultant, Human Development Unit, The World Bank, Europe and Central Asia, Washington
2005-2007 Economist, Adminstrator, OECD - Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, Paris
2008-2009 and 1996-2005, Head IHS HealthEcon, Institute for Advanced Studies, Vienna
2009-2011 Senior Researcher: Stabstelle 'Finanzierung und internationale Anglegenheiten', GOEG - Gesundheit Österreich GmbH, Vienna
2011-2013 Director, 'Health & Care', European Centre for Social Welfare Policy and Research, Vienna
since 2014 Founder and Director, HS&I HealthSystemIntelligence e.U.
since 2015 Research Associate, Medical University Vienna, Centre of Public Health, Dep. Health Economics, Vienna

Dr.in phil. Sigrid PILZ

Nursing and Patient Advocate, Vienna

 Studium der Erziehungswissenschaften und Psychologie, Universität Innsbruck
1985-2012 Beamtin, Bundesministerium für Familien und Jugend als Leiterin, Abteilung für Internationale Familien- und Jugendpolitik
Lektorin, Institut für Erziehungswissenschaften, Universität Innsbruck
2001-2012 Gesundheitssprecherin der Wiener Grünen, Grüne Gesundheitspolitikerin im Wiener Landtag und Gemeinderat
 Seit 2012 Wiener Pflege-, Patientinnen- und Patientenanwältin

Dr. Jochen TAUPITZ

Managing Director, Institute for German, European and International Medical Law, Public Health Law and Bioethics at the Universities of Heidelberg and Mannheim

1973-1978 Studium der Rechtswissenschaften in Georg-August-Universität Göttingen und Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg
1981 Promotion
1982 2. juristische Staatsprüfung
1983-1988 Hochschulassistent an der Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
1988 Habilitation
1988-1990 Professor an der Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
seit 1989 Ordinarius für Bürgerliches Recht, Zivilprozessrecht, Internationales Privatrecht und Rechtsvergleichung an der Fakultät für Rechtswissenschaft der Universität Mannheim
1996-2002 Richter am Oberlandesgericht Karlsruhe im Nebenamt

Mag. Richard HÜBNER

Managing Director, promitto organisationsberatung gmbh, Vienna

1991-1996 Studies of International Economics, Innsbruck, Rouen
1997-2004 Director at Alcatel in the Fields of Business Development, Sales and Strategic Projects Austria, Belgium and France
2005-2013 Consultant and Interim Manager in Organisational Development and Organisational Crisis Austria, Germany, France, CEE
since 2013 Managing Partner at promitto


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Genre : Alle