Closing Event
-The Closing Event marks the official end of the European Forum Alpbach 2012 and will highlight the topic of »borders«, which is ever since a serious and pressing issue. Young representatives of the Alpbach Initiative Groups and Clubs will discuss the documentary »Crossing Borders« with the narrator of the film, the Austrian writer Robert Menasse. How do borders come into existence and how can we overcome them? What hopes and fears do they embody and what do they actually mean with regards to politics, economy and culture? Taking these questions into account, the scholarship holders will present their own summary of the main topics that were tackled during the Forum. Which borders were overcome in Alpbach and which expectations were met? However, which borders still represent growing challenges in the future? An outlook on next year s general topic will close the European Forum Alpbach 2012. Afterwards, a lunch reception will give you the opportunity to continue the discussion in an informal setting.