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Film Workshop


What are the requirements for a contemporary movie?

Features are movies who will make it to the theater; good movies are the ones which will entertain the viewers, and successful ones are compensating the producer (at least) for his investment.

But how do you make a good movie? What is required to accomplish a final product that will (a) make money for the producer and the other ones involved in the line of product realization, and (b) is remembered for its actors, their performance, message and music? When is a movie considered as "art"?

Making a movie will include a large number of steps. There are numerous requirements which must be considered, and a number of problems will accompany every feature from the very first idea to the final product, ready for the public.

The Alpbach Filmworkshop will give you insights of planning, budgeting, drama building, performing art, and techniques. Instructors in the Alpbach Filmworkshop are experts of the movie industry and of academic background.