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The Film workshop 2005 follows last year s subject of politics, ideologies and art, especially during the cold war: What is the political-ideological impact on culture and cultural freedom? The film was a key instrument for influencing the masses and therefore for the political discourse. This can be demonstrated on two countries, Yugoslavia (1945-2005) and Austria (1945-1955). Such will be delineated in theory and practical film-making. The Yugoslavian film is a good example of such influence and the change of ideological contents after 1980 and after 1995. The Austrian movies in the years after 1945 were strongly affected by the interests of the allied powers (occupation forces) and their representatives, acting as censors and supervisors. Austrian affiliations offered actors, producers and studios. US and Soviet interests were evident; both tried to have their particular views embedded in features, news reels and theatre, with contents reflecting strongly the cold war.