Seminar Week
-The Enlightenment heralded the start of the so-called modern era and shaped history far beyond the borders of Europe. Since then, scientific discipline has been determined by the rule of reason. However, the intellectual apparatus of the Enlightenment, with the tool of reason to the fore, no longer appears to be adequate to cope with the challenges of the contemporary world. Are we on the threshold of a New Enlightenment? What changes within science are necessary? How might we begin to model the discourse of the future?
The Seminar Week is the scientific heart of the European Forum Alpbach. Through 16 week-long interdisciplinary seminars we explore the general topic of a "New Enlightenment" from a full range of academic perspectives. In each seminar, two renowned scientists accompany the participants. They present the very latest theoretical and practical findings in order to create a space for exchange and discourse beyond the conventional research environment.
The seminars are programmed by the Scientific Advisory Board of the European Forum Alpbach, under the leadership of Caspar Einem.