Technology Forum
-The Alpbach Technology Forum as part of the European Forum Alpbach is the largest platform for research- and technology-related debate in Austria. Due to its international focus it has also become an indicator for new trends, setting benchmarks for technological developments.
Using "technology as an opportunity" and determining the responsibility of research and technology for a future characterised by sustainability and justice: this is the challenge for all those who are involved in finding new pathways of (social) innovation. From city planning in the 21st century to "Open Innovation", from "The Year of Chemistry" to "The Future of the Internet" to "Frontier Technologies" as a gateway to the future, the 2011 Alpbach Technology Forum will present state-of-the-art research and applications. Numerous plenary statements and twelve working groups will convey research in an international and interdisciplinary dialogue. In the "Junior Alpbach" and the "OE1 Children's University" programmes, natural science education for future generations will once again form an integral part of the event.
Alpbach, a cosmopolitan alpine village, is an ideal place for communicating and networking in science, politics and industry. The successful crossover between scientific disciplines is reflected in the ever-increasing number of participants and in the support of numerous sponsors to whom we are especially grateful.