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Tyrol Days


To mark the 350th anniversary of the founding of the University of Innsbruck, the focus for the 2019 Tyrol Days is research in the European Region. In a knowledge-based society, research is the most important catalyst of progress. Basic and applied research combined provides new ways of thinking about the changes we need to make in order to tackle the challenges to come. Developing research and training skills represents the best investment for the future. The European Region Tyrol-South Tyrol-Trentino boasts a wide range of excellent research institutions. How to improve networking and collaboration between them is the topic for discussion in Alpbach, with the aim of facilitating the transformation of the knowledge society into the competence society.

18.08.2019, 10.30-12.00 we will open the Forum 2019 in front of and inside the Congress Centre Alpbach with Josef Mitterer, Franz Fischler, Lois Anvidalfarai and Christof Dienz. Admission is free.


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