Economic Symposium
-This year s Alpbach Economic Symposium centers on the question of how European market econo-mies can be evolved in order to be able to meet the challenges of international competition and the demands of sustainable development. How can we design our economies which are charac-terised by globalisation, dominant financial and capital markets, as well as far-reaching demogra-phic changes? How can we ensure the success of market economies that focus on performance as well as social cohesion? What does the future of the economic model look like that has provided citizens with a maximum degree of freedom, solidarity, and prosperity? Based on the definition of the European economic and social model and a critical analysis of existing decision-making mechanisms, Europe s options will be sounded out, and participants will also discuss perspectives of promising models for the future. The conclu-ding panel will bring together top politicians and social partners to subject the discussion's results to a reality check .