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At the Crossroads


Europe is a great idea. That is why the European Forum Alpbach brings great minds from across the world in order to discuss the future of the old continent. In Alpbach from 13th to 29th August 2014, they will, under the general theme “At the Crossroads”, engage with the course Europe has to set itself in order to be prepared for the future. Come to Alpbach and, together with renowned speakers from across the world, get a glimpse into the Europe of the future!



show timetablehide timetable
13.08.-19.08.2014Seminar WeekSEM
16.08.-17.08.2014Tyrol DayTYR
18.08.-19.08.2014Health SymposiumMED
19.08.-21.08.2014Higher Education SymposiumEDU
20.08.-21.08.2014Legal SymposiumLAW
21.08.-23.08.2014Technology SymposiumTEC
24.08.-26.08.2014Political SymposiumPOL
26.08.-28.08.2014Economic SymposiumECN
28.08.-29.08.2014Built Environment SymposiumBLT
28.08.-29.08.2014Financial Market SymposiumFIN
13.08.-29.08.2014Cultural ProgrammeART
13.08.-29.08.2014Alpbach extraACT
17.08.-29.08.2014Interreligious MeditationREL
22.08.-23.08.2014Decision Making in the EUSIM
23.08.-24.08.2014Alpbach Politics LabsLAB
10.08.-29.08.2014Summer Schools