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Dr. Abram DE SWAAN Distinguished University Professor of Social Science at the University of Amsterdam Chairman, Amsterdam School for Social Science Research


 studied Political Science at the University of Amsterdam
1963  candidaatsexamen (B.A.) cum laude
1966  doctoraalexamen (M.A.) cum laude
1966-1968 Harkness grant of the Commonwealth Fund and attended graduate school at Yale University and the University of California, Berkeley
1973 Dissertation (cum laude) at the University of Amsterdam, "entitled Coalition theories and cabinet formations" (Amsterdam/San Francisco)
 He was Grotius professor at the New School for Social Research, visiting professor at Columbia University, at the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, the Maison des Sciences de l Homme, Paris, and the Ecole des Sciences Politiques.
 He was Einaudi professor at Cornell University, European Union professor at Eötvös Loránd University Budapest
1973-2001 Chair of Sociology, University of Amsterdam
1987-1997 Co-founder and dean of the Amsterdam School for Social Science Research
1997-1998 European Chair at the College de France in Paris


Member of several international editorial boards and of various advisory councils (a.o. Centre d'Études des Recherches Internationales, Paris)
since 1996 Royal Netherlands Academy of Sciences
since 2000 Academia Europea de Yuste, Spain.
Academia Europaea, London


Numerous articles in scientific journals, cultural reviews and newspapers in the Netherlands and the USA, a.o.:
1988 In care of the state; Health care, education and welfare in Europe and the USA in the Modern Era. Cambridge/ New York, (translations in Dutch, German, Spanish and French)
1990 The Management of Normality; Critical Essays in Health and Welfare. Routledge, London/New York
2001 Human Societies, Polity Press, (translated in Dutch, Swedish and Danish - forthcoming)
2001 and Words of the world; the global language system, Polity Press; (Dutch translation: Woorden van de Wereld; Prometheus 2002, Hungarian translation: A Nyelvek Társadalma - A globális Nyelvrendszer. Budapest, Hungary: Typotex, 2003)


Biennial award of the Holland society for sciences,
Busken Huet essay prize of the City of Amsterdam
Annual prize of the Netherlands circle of political scientists