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Ph.D. Agnieszka CHLON-DOMINCZAK Former Undersecretary of State, Ministry of Labour and Social Policy of the Republic of Poland; Assistant Professor, Institute for Statistics and Demography, Warsaw School of Economics, Warsaw


1997-1999 Economist, Office of Government Plenipotentiray for Social Security Reform, Warsaw
1999-2002 Reseracher, GdaDsk Institute for Market Economics, Poland
2002-2004 Director, Department for Economic Analyses, Ministry of Labour and Social Policy, Warsaw,
2005 Undersecretaryy of State, Ministry of Social Policy, Warsaw
2006-2007 Director, Department for Economic Analyses, Ministry of Labour and Social Policy, Warsaw,
2007-2009 Undersecretary of State, Ministry of Labor and Social Policy, Warsaw
 Since 2009 Assistant Professor, Institute for Statistics and Demography, Warsaw School of Economics, Warsaw
 Since 2009 Assistant Professor, Educational Research Institute, Warsaw


European Association of Population Studies
Chair of the Scientific Board of Foundation - Centre for Migration Research, Warsaw


ChBoD-DomiDczak, A.: Pension reform and public information in Poland, WB Pension Primer Series, August 2000
ChBoD-DomiDczak, A.: The Polish Pension Reform of 1999 in E. Fultz (ed.) Pension Reform in Central and Eastern Europe (Vol. 1: Restructuring with Privatisation: Case Studies of Hungary and Poland). Budapest, ILO, Central and Eastern European Team, 2002
ChBoD-DomiDczak, A., Franco, D., Palmer, E.: The First Wave of NDC Reforms: The Experiences of Italy, Latvia, Poland, and Sweden in: R. Holzmann, E. Palmer, D. Robalino (ed). Nonfinancial Defined Contribution Pension Schemes in a Changing Pension World, Bank Zwiatowy, 2012
ChBoD-DomiDczak, A, P. Strzelecki: The minimum pension as an instrument of poverty protection in the defined contribution pension system  an example of Poland , Journal of Pension Economics and Finance, 2013