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Ahmet SHALA Minister of Finance and Economy of the Republic of Kosovo, Prishtina


1985 BA in Economics and Business Administration, University of Prishtina
1988 MBA, University of Prishtina
  PhD studies for Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management, Vaxjo University, Sweden and Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, Spain
1995 Presentation of PhD thesis in Strategic Alternatives, "Economic Integration and Development of Albanian Territories and Their Integration Into Europe - A Quantitative Approach" Trepça Mining Company, Foreign Trade Department
  During 1990s he worked in private business in the area of education, founder of "The Cambridge School"
  Policy Advisor, Economic Development within Pillar IV (European Union Mission in Kosovo)
2000-2002 Deputy Head, Department for Trade and Industry, in charge of directing the strategy development, polices and procedures for commercialization and transformation of Socially Owned Enterprises and private sector development
  Deputy Managing Director, directing the division for managing and privatization of Kosovo´s nearly 500 socially-owned enterprises, Kosovo Trust Agency
2008 Minister of Finance and Economy, Republic of Kosovo, Prishtina
  Professor of Marketing Modeling and Statistics, Economic Faculty, University of Prishtina
  Lecturer for Mathematics, Statistics and Economic Modeling


Member of Advisory Forum, European Training Foundation


Economic Integration and Development of Albanian Territories and Their Integration Into Europe - A Quantitative Approach, The Principals of Statistics - University H.Book