Dr. Albert ZINK Professor, Institut für Mumien und den Iceman, EURAC - Europäische Akademie Bozen
Studies of biology | |
Ph.D. thesis, "Kindersterblichkeit im frühen Mittelalter - Morphologische und paläopathologische Ergebnisse an der Skelettserie von Altenerding, Ldkr. Erding, Bayern", Institue of Anthropology and Human Genetics, University of Munich | |
1998-2002 | Postdoctoral position, Institute of Pathology, München (Director: Prof. Dr. U. Löhrs), research focus (DFG research grant): Identification of pathological alterations in ancient |
Egyptian mummies with a major interest in the molecular detection of pathogens by extracting and amplifying ancient DNA | |
2002-2004 | University Assistant, Division of Paleopathology, Institute of Pathology, Academic- Teaching Hospital München-Bogenhausen, continuation of the DFG research grant |
2004-2007 | Senior Researcher, Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, AG Nanobiomed (group Prof. Dr. W.M. Heckl), research area: Application of nanotechnological methods for the study of |
biological sample, structural and mechanical properties of collagen fibrils in normal and pathological bone tissue | |
2005 | Habilitation (= Assoc. Professor), " Paläopathologie von Krankheiten im alten Ägypten unter besonderer Berücksichtigung molekularer Untersuchungen zur |
Tuberkulose", Human Biology, Faculty of Medicine | |
since 2007 | Scientific Director, Institute for Mummies and the Iceman, EURAC research, Bolzano |