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Dr. Allan JANIK Honorarprofessor für Philosophie, Brenner-Archiv, Universität Innsbruck


since 1989 Adjunct Professor of the Philosophy of Culture, Universität Wien
since 1993 General Editor: Publications of the Paul Engelmann Project of the Brenner Archives Editorial Committee:
  Brenner Studien Principal Dramaturge, Innsbrucker Kellertheater
since 1995 Research Fellow, Forschungsinstitut "Brenner-Archiv", Universität Innsbruck
since 1997 Adjunct Professor of Philosophy, Skill and Technology Program, Royal Polytechnic, Stockholm


Member, Association Diderot, College International de Philosophie, Paris, since 1980


Selected publications:
Assembling Reminders: The Genesis and Significance of Wittgenstein's Concept of Philosophy (Stockholm: Santérus Forlaget, 2006)
Wittgenstein's Vienna Revisited (New Brunswick, NJ, USA: Transaction, 2001)
Die Praxis der Physik [The Practice of Physics] with Jörg Markowitsch and Monika Seekircher (Wien: Springer, 1999)
Wittgenstein in Vienna [English and German] (Wien: Springer, 1998)
Kreatives Milieu Wien um 1900 [The Creative Milieu: Vienna 1900], (Mithrsg. mit E. Brix), (Wien: Verlag für Geschichte und Politik, 1993)
Wittgensteins Wien, Carl Hanser, 1985, 2nd German edition (Wien: Döcker, 1998) (orig. Wittgenstein's Vienna, New York: Simon & Schuster,1973; 2nd American edition, Chicago: Ivan Dee Pub. Co., 1996)