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Dr. Aminata TRAORE Former Minister of Culture and Tourism of the Republic of Mali, Bamako


1974-1988 Assistant professor at the Anthropologic and Sociologic Institute of the University of Abidjan (Ivory Coast)
1979-1988 Director of studies and programs (DSP) at the Ministry of Women of the Ivory Coast
1988-1992 Regional coordinator of a UNDP project on the promotion of the role of women in the sectors of water and sanitation (PROWWESS/Africa)
1997-2000 Minister of Culture and Tourism of Mali
 Author (see list of publications)
 Director, Centre Amadou Hampaté BA (west African research and training institution and conference centre; Bamako, Mali)
 Founder and owner of partnerships of cultural interest (Djenné, San-Toro, Dunanso - guest-house, restaurant, art gallery, artisan promotion - Bamako, Mali) aimed to develop local know-how
 Founder of "Self, neighbours and district", a grass-roots approach to local involvement of the inhabitants of the Missira district (Bamako) in the rehabilitation of infrastructures and of the local market, the promotion of youth and women and access to services
 Founder of the African Initiative for Ethics and Aesthetics, aiming to federate the African artists and intellectuals to build and structure an alternate Africa
 International consultant for several organisations (UNDP, UNESCO, UNFPA, UNICEF, BAD, OXFAM/UK)
 Founder of "La Fibre africaine", the civil society forum on cotton


Member of the International follow-up Committee of the "Assisses de l Afrique", UNESCO, Paris (France), 1996
Member of the International Committee of the World Social Forum
Member of the ILO Committee on the social dimension of globalisation, 2002
Member of de United Nations Secretary-General Panel of Personalities on the relations with the civil society, 2003


A thousand weavers in search of future, EDIM, 1999
The vice (Africa in a world without borders), Actes-Sud, 1999
The rape of the imaginary, Actes-Sud/Fayard, 2001
Open letter to the President of France about the Ivory Coast and Africa in general, Fayard, April 2005


Chevalier de l Ordre National du Merite (France)
Recipient of the "CIWARA" d Excellence, Mali, 1995
Chevalier dev l Ordre National du Mali, 1996
Recipient of the Prince Claus Award for Culture, The Nederland, 2004
Honorary degree - Gouvernorat du District de Bamako, 2005
Honorary degree of the Pan-African Organisation of Women, 2005
Honorary degree of the Pan-African Organisation of Women, 2005