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PhD Anders SANDBERG Senior Research Fellow, Future of Humanity Institute, University of Oxford


1997-2003 Ph.D. Computer Science, Stockholm University
2004-2005 Science producer neuroscience exhibition "Se Hjärnan!", Swedish Travelling Exhibitions
2006-2007 Researcher, Uehiro Centre for Practical Ethics, ENHANCE project, Philosophy Faculty, University of Oxford
since 2007 James Martin Research Fellow, Future of Humanity Institute, Philosophy Faculty, University of Oxford
since 2013 Senior researcher, FHI-Amlin collaboration on systemic risk of risk modeling, Future of Humanity Institute, University of Oxford
since 2016 Senior Fellow and senior FHI fellow, Oxford Martin School, Social Sciences Division, University of Oxford
since 2018 GoCAS Distinguished Chair and Head, Gothenburg Chair Programme for Advanced Studies at Chalmers University, Gothenburg


Institute for Future Studies
Oxford Uehiro Centre for Practical Ethics
CSB - Center for the Study of Bioethics
UK SETI Research Network


Bostrom, N., & Sandberg, A. (2009). Cognitive enhancement: methods, ethics, regulatory challenges. Science and engineering ethics, 15(3), 311-341.
Sandberg, A., & Bostrom, N. (2008). Whole brain emulation. FHI roadmap report.
Bostrom, N., & Sandberg, A. (2009). The wisdom of nature: an evolutionary heuristic for human enhancement.
Dresler, M., Sandberg, A., Ohla, K., Bublitz, C., Trenado, C., Mroczko-Wąsowicz, A.,& Repantis, D. (2013). Non-pharmacological cognitive enhancement. Neuropharmacology, 64, 529-543.