Dr. ir. André VITS Head of Unit G.4 - ICT for Transport, Directorate Components and Systems, DG Information Society and Media, European Commission, Brussels
Studied electro-mechanical engineering at the University of Leuven (B), holds a PhD in Applied Sciences from the same university, thesis on Traffic engineering, also a lecturer on "Traffic Control and Transport Management" at the University of Leuven. | |
1988 | joined the European Commission for the launch of the DRIVE 1 and DRIVE 2 RTD programs, performed several coordination and management functions: Launching of the Telematic Applications Program (TAP), Deputy Head of Unit for the Financial Service of the DG. |
Since 2001 "Head of Unit" and in charge of "Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) for Transport" in Directorate-General Information Society and Media. The Unit has a long tradition in running ICT activities and projects, and in initiating new ones. Current activities are focusing on Intelligent Vehicle Safety Systems, e.g. vehicle-to-vehicle and vehicle-to-infrastructure communication. The Unit is also responsible for the Intelligent Car Initiative, which is an i2010 flagship project, and the eSafety Initiative. |