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DDr. Andreas HENSEL President, BfR - German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment, Berlin


1979-1988 tertiary qualification and specialised studies (title Dr. med. vet), University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover
1991-1997 PhD, University of Utrecht
1990-1997 Senior scientist and full professor for Animal Hygiene and Federal Animal Pest Control, University of Vienna
1997 University lecturer for Microbiology and qualification as veterinary specialist ("Fachtierarzt") in Microbiology, Animal Hygiene, Clinical Laboratory Medicine, Epidemiology and Food Hygiene (habilitation)
1997-2003 Director and Chair at the Institute for Animal Hygiene and Veterinary Public Health, University of Leipzig
since 2003 President, BfR


EFSA's Advisory Forum
American Society for Microbiology (ASM)
Society for Mucosal Immunology (SMI)
Heads of National Food Agencies (HoA)
High-Level Panel of Experts on Food Security and Nutrition (HLPE) of the UN Committee on World Food Security (CFS)


Chmielewska, J., B. Bert, B. Grune, A. Hensel, G. Schönfelder: "Der 'vernünftige Grund' zur Tötung von überzähligen Tieren. Eine klassische Frage des Tierschutzrechts im Kontext der biomedizinischen Forschung." (2015) NuR 37:10, 677-682.
Fauhl-Hassek, C., S. Esslinger, T. Herold, M. Jäger, A. Hensel: "Herkunftsanalyse von Lebens- und Futtermitteln, Stand der Technik und Perspektiven." (2015) Rundsch Fleischhyg Lebensm 67:9, 331-333.
Jäger, M., H. Strüve, H. A. Schafft, A. Hensel: "Die Grenzen des Risikobegriffs in Routine- und Krisenzeiten." (2015) Rundsch Fleischhyg Lebensm 67:11, 403-404.
Schönfelder, G., B. Grune, M. Oelgeschlaeger, A. Hensel: "Laboratory animals: German initiative opens up animal data." (2015) Nature 519:7541, 33.


Erich Aehnelt Memorial Award (1988)
Habilitation fellowship of the German Research Association (1995-1997)
Honorary Professor of Health Protection and Risk Assessment at the University of Leipzig (since 2004)
Honorary professor for food hygiene at Freie Universität Berlin (since 2011)