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Dr. Andreas XXXLERNHART Administrator, Council of the European Union, Directorate General B, Brussels


1985 Magister et Doctor iuris, University of Vienna, Law Faculty
Post-graduate diploma, Inter-disciplinary course for International Studies, University of Vienna
1987 Post-graduate diploma, Diplomatic Academy, Vienna
1979-1980 Military Service
1982-1983 Creditanstalt-Bankverein, Vienna, Foreign Exchange Department
1987-1991 Federation of Austrian Industry, Vienna, Department for International Trade and Monetary Policy
1991-1993 Austrian Mission to the European Communities, Brussels, Secretary for Industrial Affairs,
  Head of the Brussels Office of the Federation of Austrian Industry
1993-1996 Federation of Austrian Industry, Vienna, Director,
  Department for European Integration and International Economic Relations
 Since 1996 Council of the European Union, Brussels; currently: Directorate General B (Food Safety);
  before: Directorate General F (Codecision procedure)
2004-2006 European Economic and Social Committee, Brussels, Head of Cabinet of the President
  (detached by the Council General Secretariat)
since 2006 Administrator at the Council of the European Union, Directorate General B