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Dr. Andrey KONOPLYANIK Consultant to the Board, Gazprombank, Moscow


1970-1978 Studies and Post-Graduate Studies, Energy Economics Faculty, Moscow Institute of Management; Ph.D. in Energy Economics (Title: "The Role of North Sea Oil in Energy Supplies of Western Europe")
1979-1990 Research Fellow, International Energy Economics Division, Institute of World Economy & International Relations, USSR Academy of Sciences
1990-1991 Chief Expert, Division for Market Analysis, Department for Foreign Trade & External Economic Relations, USSR State Planning Committee (GOSPLAN)/USSR Ministry of Economics and Forecasting
1991-1993 Deputy-Minister on external economic relations & foreign investments of the RF Ministry for Fuel & Energy
1993-1995 Post-Doctorate at the State Academy of Management, Moscow
1993-1994 Special Adviser on foreign investments to the First Deputy Prime-Minister of RF Government E.Gaidar
1994- 2002 Adviser to the RF Ministry for Fuel & Energy (since 2000: "RF Ministry of Energy")
1994-1998 Head of Intra-Ministerial Working Group on drafting a package of normative documents on production-sharing agreements on PSA
1994-1995 Head of the State Duma's Expert Group on redrafting Concession Law
1994-1999 Adviser to the RF State Duma on economic policy and on natural resources
1994-1995 Head of Consultants to the RF State Duma Committee on Economic Policy (Sub-Committee on External Economic Relations and Foreign Investments)
1994-2006 Visiting Principal Research Fellow (since February 2000 - Visiting Chief Research Fellow), Institute of World Economy and International Relations, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow
1994-2002 Adviser to the RF Ministry of Finance
1994-1999 Head of the RF State Duma's Expert Group on drafting PSA Law
 May 1995 Dr. >f Science in Energy Economics, State Academy of Management (title of the thesis: "System Approach to the Involvement of Foreign Investments into Russian Energy Economy")
1995-1999 Head of Consultants to the RF State Duma Committee on Natural Resources & Natural Resources Management
1996-1999 Executive Director & Member of the Board of Directors, Russian Bank for Reconstruction & Development
1997-2000 Head of Consultants on foreign investments to the RF Ministry of Economic
1997-2002 Visiting lecturing professor on "World energy markets & transportation systems" to the State University of Management, Moscow
since 1998 Member of RF Council for Foreign & Defense Policy
1999-2002 President of the Energy and Investment Policy & Project Financing Development Foundation (ENIP&PF)
1999-2000 Head of the Ad Hoc Working Group of the RF Ministry for Fuel & Energy on drafting the new Conceptual Framework for Russian Oil & Gas Development
2000-2002 Adviser to the RF Ministry of Economics/Ministry for Economic Development & Trade
Member of the Ad Hoc Working Group (Head of Oil Section and Investment Policy Section) of the RF Ministry for Fuel & on drafting the "Energy Strategy of Russia to 2020"
2001-2002 Member of the Expert Council under the Head of the State Duma Commission on the Legal Issues of the PSAs
2002-2008 Deputy Secretary General, Energy Charter Secretariat, Brussels
since 2008 Consultant to the Board, Gazprombank, Moscow
Visiting lecturing professor at the Chair on International Oil and Gas Business, Russian State Oil and Gas University n.a. I.M.Gubkin


New York Academy of Sciences
International Association for Energy Economics
International Bar Association
Association of International Petroleum Negotiators
Honorary Fellow, Centre for Energy, Petroleum & Mineral Law & Policy, University of Dundee, Scotland


Dr. Konoplyanik has published more than 400 articles both in the USSR/Russia and abroad, has participated in writing around 50 monographs, he is a frequent speaker at different international energy conferences. Full list of publications and presentations of Dr. Konoplyanik, as well as his writings and presentations themselves, are available on this web-site.