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Dr. Andrzej JELENSKI Scientific Director, Institute of Electronic Materials Technology (ITME), Warsaw


1956 Assistant in Radio Navigation Chair of Communication Faculty, Gdansk Technical University
1960-1963 Assistant at the University of Paris
1964-1969 Engaged in research on quantum electronic devices in the Institute of Fundamental Technical Problems of the Polish Academy of Science
1970-1971 Guest Researcher at Chalmers University in Goteborg, Sweden. For the work on development of new materials for low noise microwave masers I obtained the title of Docent of Chalmers University.
1970-1988 Worked in the Institute of Electron Technology (ITE), Warsaw, on measurements and modelling of microwave semiconductor devices.
1984-1985 Visiting Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Massachussets, Amherst teaching and studying noise generation mechanisms in microwave semiconductor devices.
1989-1991 "Robert Bosch" Visiting Professor in Hannover Universities and coordinated a research project on diodes for submillimeter waves realised by four German Universities.
since 1988 Professor and Scientific Director in the Institute of Electronic Materials Technology (ITME), Warsaw
 My current research interests are the design, characterization and noise analysis of microwave, submillimeter and optical semiconductor devices, circuits and microsystems and research on new materials for Microwave- and Opto-electronics. I have coordinated national and international scientific projects executed by several R/D institutions.


Committee on Scientific and Technology Policy, National Council for Science, Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education
Committee "Poland 2000+" of the Polish Academy of Sciences forecasting science development for the next 20 years
Warsaw Scientific Society
Senior member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)


Authored and co-authored more than 130 scientific papers, these include:
Materials and Technologies for the XXI century (in polish)
Wide Band Semiconductors for Electronics and Photonics
Silicon Applications in Photonics
The Role of Polish High Schools in the implementation of Lisbon Strategy