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Mag. BA Anna WOHLESSER Facilitator, freims:contemporary consulting, Vienna


 Since 2007: Facilitation and Experience Design for organisations and institutions such as:
 UN Alliance of Civilisation
 UNESCO Austria
 Austrian Youth Council
 European Council Network
 European Forum Alpbach
 Interkulturelles Zentrum
 Impact Hub Vienna
 University of Vienna


Let' communicate! - Working with an international youth group that doesn't speak a common language. Toolbox. Vienna, 2007
Zs. mit Grundsteine, L. und den Besten, N., Paint your own picture - Ideas, tools and methods to support self-directed learning. Toolbox, Utrecht, 2009
Identifying learning needs - an anthropological action research about facilitating self-directed learning, Vienna, 2012


Bank Austria Award for Innovative Teaching 2008, University of Vienna, with Dr. Anna Streissler