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Dr. Anneliese STOKLASKA Ehemals stellvertretende Sektionsleiterin sowie Leiterin, Abteilung II.6 - Internationale Forschungskooperationen, Bundesministerium für Wissenschaft und Forschung, Wien


1970-1971 Austrian newspaper "Kurier"
1971-1991 Administrative Assistant, Vienna University of Technology
1984 Ph.D. Degree, Medieval History, University of Vienna
1991 Department for International Research Co-operation, Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Culture
1994-2011 Head, Department for International Research Co-operation, Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Culture
2009-2011 Deputy Director General, Austrian Federal Ministry of Science and Research


FP 4/5 Austrian delegate to INCO program-committee
FP 4 Austrian representative in the INCOPOL-Working Group
FP 6 Austrian delegate to program-committee: Research infrastructures
Austrian representative, High Level Officials Group dealing with EU-Western Balkan Countries Action Plan in S & T
General Assembly, International Association for the promotion of co-operation with scientists (INTAS), 1995-2010
European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures (ESFRI), since 2002
Steering Platform for Research with the Western Balkan Countries, since 2006
Strategy Forum on International Cooperation (SFIC), since 2008