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Anton FALKEIS Head of Institute Art & Society, University of Applied Arts, Vienna


 licensed architect in Austria and Liechtenstein, teaching and lecturing at Royal College of Art, London; ELISAVA, Barcelona; ESAG, Paris; Denmark's Design School, Copenhagen; visiting critic at ETH Zürich
1992 Guest Researcher, University of Tokyo, Japan
 positions at University of Applied Arts Vienna:
1999-2003 Vice-Dean School of Architecture,
since 2000 Head of Dep. Special Topics in Architecture
2012 Guest Professor at Nanjing University of Art China
since 2012 Head of Department Social Design
since 2013 Head of the Institute Arts and Society


Urbanizing the World. SLUM Lab / Issue 8: pp 4. New York, Zürich, Vienna: Columbia University, ETH Zürich, University of Applied Arts Vienn, 2013
Thinking out of the Urban Design Toolbox. Arts Research Innovation and Society (ARIS): pp 211. New York: Springe, 2014
Social Design:Public Action. Edition Angewandte: pp. 6. Basel: Birkhäuse, 2015
Aspects of Space: Architecture for Non-Architecture Students. Edition Angewandte: pp 137. Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter, 2015


JSPS fellow / Japan Society for the Promotion of Science