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MD, MPH, M.Sc. Armin FIDLER Lead Adviser, Health Policy and Strategy, The World Bank Group, Washington, D.C.


 Studium an der Medizinischen Universität Innsbruck
 Diplom in Tropenmedizin und medizinischer Parasitologie, Bernhard-Nocht-Institut Hamburg
 Turnusabschluss, Arzt für Allgemeinmedizin, Landeskrankenhaus Bregenz
 Österreichische Aids Gesellschaft
 Arbeitskreis für Vorsorge und Sozialmedizin, Land Vorarlberg
 Master of Public Health, Harvard University
 Master of Science in Health Policy and Management, Harvard University
 Epidemic Intelligence Officer, CDC Atlanta, USA
 Subregional Adviser, Mexiko und Zentralamerika, WHO/PAHO, Mexiko Stadt
 Senior Health Specialist, Latin America and Caribbean, The World Bank
 Health Sector Manager, Europe and Central Asia, The World Bank
 Adjunct Professor, Health Policy and Management, The George Washington University
 Lecturer, Management Center Innsbruck (MCI)
 Certificate, Management and Finance, Harvard Business School
 Certificate, Public Finance and Welfare Economics, London School of Economics
 Certificate, Social Development Leadership Program (SDLP) Cambridge University (UK)
 Diploma: Macroeconomic Management and Fiscal Policy, Joint Vienna Institute of the International Monetary Fund
 Lead Adviser, Health Policy and Strategy, The World Bank Group
 Board Member, Global Fund against AIDS, TB, Malaria; Board Member, Global Alliance for Vaccines


American Public Health Association
International Health Economics Association
President Elect, European Health Management Organization (EHMA)


Upon request or via ResearchGate


Fulbright Fellowship, 1988
Kellog Fellowship,1989
The Presidents Award, 2000