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Dr. Axel BORSDORF Professor, Institute of Geography, University of Innsbruck; Director, Institute of Interdisciplinary Mountain Research, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Innsbruck


1968-1974 Geography, Geology, and German studies, plus pre- and early history at the universities of Göttingen, Valdivia/Chile and Tübingen. Academic teaching certificate for secondary schools.
1976 DPhil. in Tübingen (geography major, geology and German studies minor), thesis Valdivia und Osorno. Strukturelle Disparitäten in chilenischen Mittelstädten, published in the series Tübinger Geographische Studien
1974-1980 Academic assistant to the chair of Prof. Wilhelmy in Tübingen
1980-1991 Akademischer Rat at the Dept. of Geography in Tübingen
1984 Habilitation (post-doc thesis), Grenzen und Möglichkeiten der räumlichen Entwicklung Westpatagoniens published in the series Acta Humboldtiana, Franz-Steiner Verlag, Wiesbaden. Venia legendi for the entire subject range of geography
1986 Guest professorship at the Department of Geography at the University of Oregon, Eugene
1991 Appointment to the Chair of Geography at the University of Innsbruck (successor to Prof. Leidlmair)
1994 Corresponding member, 1995 active Full Member of the Austrian Academy of Sciences
1999 Director of the ISR (Institute for Urban and Regional Research) at the Austrian Academy of Sciences
since 2006 Director of the Research Unit of Mountain Research: Man and Environment (now Institute of Interdisciplinary Mountain Research) at the Austrian Academy of Sciences, at Innsbruck


Wirkliches Mitglied der Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften
Vizepräsident des Österreichischen Nationalkomitees der International Geographical Union (IGU)
Mitglied des Österreichischen Nationalkomitees Earth System Sciences, Global Change
Mitglied des Österreichischen Nationalkomitees zum Man&Biosphere Programme der UNESCO, Wien


Tappeiner, U., A. Borsdorf & E. Tasser (Eds.) 2008: Alpenatlas - Atlas Des Alpes - Atlante Delle Alpie - Atlas Alp - Mapping The Alps. Society - Economy - Environment. Heidelberg: Spektrum Akademischer Verlag & Springer
Borsdorf, A., G. Grabherr, K. Heinrich, B. Scott & J. Stötter (Eds.) 2010: Challenges For Mountain Regions - Tackling Complexity. Vienna: Böhlau
Borsdorf, A. & O. Bender 2010: Allgemeine Siedlungsgeographie. Wien, Köln, Weimar: Utb, Böhlau
Borsdorf, A., J. Stötter & E. Veulliet 2011: Managing Alpine Future Ii. Proceedings of The Innsbruck Conference November 21-23, 2011. Igf Forschungsberichte 4. Wien