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Dr. Bart TROMP Senior Research Fellow, Dutch Institute of International Relations 'Clingendael , Den Haag


 Studied political science and sociology at the State University of Groningen, where he graduated cum laude in 1971 with a thesis on Western perceptions of the Cultural Revolution in China.
1971-1982 teaching theoretical sociology at the Eindhoven University of Technology
1982-2003 teaching poltical science at the State University of Leiden
since 1979 political columnist of the Amsterdam daily 'Het Parool'
1988 appointed professor in the theory and history of international relations at the University of Amsterdam
since 2001 columnist international affairs of the weekly 'Elsevier
2003 senior research fellow, Dutch Institute of International Relations 'Clingendael
 Founder and co-editor of the 'Jaarboek voor het democratisch socialisme' (Annual Review of Democratic Socialism) of which 25 volumes have been published between 1979 and 2005.


Member of the Commission on Peace and Security of the Advisory Council on International Affairs, Ministry of Defence & Ministry of Foreign Affairs


among others:
Verraad op de Balkan, [Treason on the Balkans], Nieuwegein, 1996
Tegen het vergeten, [Against Forgetfulness], Nieuwegein, 1997
Het sociaal-democratisch programma, 1878-1977 [The social-democratic platform, 1878-1977], Amsterdam 2003
Hoe de wereld in elkaar zit. 25 jaar maatschappij, politiek en cultuur [How the world works. 25 years of society, politics and culture], Amsterdam, 2004
To be published:
Karl Marx, nieuwe editie [Karl Marx, revised edition], Nieuwegein, 2006
Het einde van het verleden. Nederland aan het begin van de 21e eeuw [The end of the past. The Netherlands at the eve of the 21th century], Amsterdam 2006