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M.Sc. Bartosz PONIATOWSKI Representative, Architect Office, City of Lodz


2005-2011 Master's Degree in Architecture and Urban Planning, Technical University of Lodz
2010-2012 Bachelor's Degree in Cultural Anthropology, University of Lodz
since 2011 PhD student, Architecture and Urban Planning Faculty, Technical University of Lodz
City's Architect Office, The City of Lodz Office, Lodz
since 2012 Team Coordinator, City's Architect Office, The City of Lodz Office, Lodz
2013-2014 Postgraduate Studies, Faculty of Graphics and Painting, Academy of Fine Arts Lodz


Strategy for Spatial Development of Lodz 2020+
Attractive Urban Spaces 2020+. Streets in Lodz, Chronicle of the City of Lodz
Lokal Revitalisation Program as a tool of implementing the Spatial Policy in Lodz, monografy ProRevita 2014, in progress
Amazing City: Łódź - the last unexplored City photoalbum