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Dr. Bernard BIGOT High-Commissioner for Atomic Energy, French Atomic Energy Commission (CEA), Paris


1975-1980 Assistant professor at "Ecole normale supérieure de Saint Cloud", France
1980-1981 Assistant visiting professor at Purdue University, West Lafayette (USA)
1981-1983 Assistant professor at "Ecole normale supérieure de Saint Cloud", France
1987-1993 Professor of physical chemistry at "Ecole normale supérieure de Saint Cloud"
1993-1998 Director general R&D, French Ministry of higher education and research, Paris
1998-2000 Professor of physical chemistry at "Ecole normale supérieure de Saint Cloud"
1998-2002 Director of the "Institut de recherches sur la catalyse", UPR 5401, CNRS, Lyon (200 staff members)
2000-2003 Director "Ecole normale supérieure de Lyon"
since 2003 High commissioner for Atomic Energy, France


Member of the French Chemical Society
Member of the American Chemical Society
President of the Fondation Internationale de la Maison de la Chimie, Paris


Density distribution of a fluid through a microporous solid: Monte Carlo simulation, Physical Review E, 49, 2184-2191, 1994
Sieving properties of zeolites for C6-C8 hydrocarbons. The effects of a tri-methyltin group grafted on a pore edge, J. of Phys. Chem., 102, 3210-3215, 1998


Chevalier in the National Order of the "Mérite", 1994
Officer in the National Order of "la Légion d Honneur", 2005