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Dr. Bernhard GÜNTERT


1973-1979 University of St. Gallen (Switzerland): Studies in Business Administration, Economics, Law and Social Sciences 1979: Licentiate of Economics (lic. oec. in Risk Management and Insurance)
1980-1982 University of St. Gallen (Switzerland): Doctoral studies in Economics, Law and Social Sciences
1984-1986 School of Public Health, Loma Linda University, Loma Linda, CA 92350, U.S.A: Studies in Health Care Management, 1989 Graduation: MHA - Master of Health Administration
1989 University of St. Gallen: Doctorate in Economics (Dr. oec.)
1990-1992 Director of the Interdisciplinary Research Center for Public Health in St. Gallen
1992-1996 University of St. Gallen: Director of the Research Group for Management in Health Services; Consultant in health service management; Lecturer for Management and for Public Administration; Partner in the post graduate program: Health Care Management at the University of Bern
1995-2004 University of Bielefeld: Professor for Health Care Service Management and Health Economics; Head of working group 5: Management in Health Services
1998-2001 Dean of the School of Public Health at the University of Bielefeld
2001-2002 Vice Dean of the School of Public Health at the University of Bielefeld
since 2004 Professor for Health Services Management and Health Economics, Private University for Health Sciences, Medical Informatics and Technology (UMIT) in Hall, Tyrol, Austria
Director of the Institute for Healthcare Management and Health Economics (IMÖG)
2004-2006 Vice Rector of the Institute for Healthcare Management and Health Economics (IMÖG)
since 2007 President of the Austrian Public Health Association (ÖGPH - Österreichische Gesellschaft für Public Health)