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Mag. Dr. Bernhard ROTHBUCHER Fachbereichsleiter Industrial Design, Fachhochschule Salzburg GmbH, Kuchl


2003 Doctor of Philosophy, Design Culture Department, Prof. Miyazaki, Chiba University, Chiba (Tokyo Metropolis), Japan; Main
  theme concerns the interface of ecodesign and design management; Title:"Software Factors of Packaging Design", Several
  presentations at international conferences
2003-2004 Founder and Head of Aka Buna Design Consulting, Salzburg; Working in the fields of Industrial Design, Interior Design and
  Design Strategy for clients in Austria, Germany, USA, Japan and China; Raising clients profit through an integrated approach
  to design and business strategies; e.g.: managing the visual relaunch of one of the world s most traditional umbrella and lifestyle
  brand Knirps in 2006.
2004-2005 Head of Industrial Design at DPM - Design and Product Management, (BA/MA degree course), University of Applied Sciences,
  Salzburg; Mentored students are now working at Adidas, Kiska (biggest design agency of CE) and other industrial leaders in
  management position
2004-2006 Consultant for the Austrian Chamber of Commerce, Consultant for the Austrian Government for the provinces of Salzburg and
  Upper Austria; Linking the academic and the business world which led to a successful multimillion Euro design initiative in the two provinces
2005-2006 Senior Professor of Design- and Product Management, University of Applied Sciences, Salzburg
2006 Head of Organising Committee, EPDE06 International Design Education in cooperation with IED (Institution of Engineering Designers) and Design Society, UK; leading to several partnerhips with international universities; PR response in national and international media for the university
since 2007 Head of Research Department, Design- and Product Management DE RE SA (DEsign REsearch SAlzburg), Sourced 500.000 Euro funding; research partnerships with BMW and other major industry players of Central Europe


Design Austria, Austria
DMI, Design Management Institute, USA
IDSA, Industrial Designers Society of America, USA
DRS, Design Research Society, UK


Rothbucher, B./Ebner, M./Gaubinger, K./Petutschnigg, A.: An Interdisciplinary Education Model for Design Education at the Salzburg University of Applied Sciences, 2006
Rothbucher, B./Kolar, M/Ion, B./Clarke, A.: Educating Designers for a Global Context? IED & The Design Society, Hadleys Ltd., 2006
Rothbucher, B./Lackus, M./Kolar, M.: Investigation into Company-Specific Design Structures to Raise Design Awareness, proceedings of the 2nd Nordic Design Research Conference 2007, (accepted)
Rothbucher, B./Lackus, M./Kolar, M./Walcher, D.: Communication Gaps or Mentality Gaps - Why do Product Development and Design Processes Get Unsuccessful?, 2007 (accepted)
Rothbucher, B./Gaubinger, K.: Design Controlling in SME, 2007 (accepted)