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Header Image Brigitte AULENBACHER Head, Department of Theoretical Sociology and Social Analysis, Institute of Sociology, Johannes Kepler University Linz


1979-1984 Sociology ("Diplom" in Sociology, 1984), Saarland University, Saarbrücken and Bielefeld University, Bielefeld
1986-1990 Postdoctoral Thesis (Doctor in Sociology) funded by the Hans Böckler-Foundation, Bielefeld University, Bielefeld
1990-1998 Senior Researcher and Lecturer, including the project Gendering Modernity - Social Rationalization and Gender Relations collaborating with the Columbia University, New York and the New York University, Goethe University Frankfurt
1998-1999 Fellow, funded by the German Research Foundation, Graduate School Gender Relations and Social Change, University of Dortmund
1999-2004 Postdoctoral Thesis, funded by the German Research Foundation and Venia Legendi in Sociology, University of Hanover
2003-2004 Interim Professor, Goethe University Frankfurt
2004-2008 Lecturer and Senior Researcher, Goethe University Frankfurt, Ruhr University Bochum and University of Hanover
2005 Interim Professor, Ruhr University Bochum
2008 Maria-Goeppert-Mayer Guest Professor, University of Göttingen
since 2008 Professor of Sociological Theory and Social Analysis and Head of Department, Department of Theoretical Sociology and Social Analysis, Institute of Sociology, Johannes Kepler University Linz
2008 Call of the University Potsdam (refused)
2013 Call of the Humboldt University of Berlin (refused)


Austrian Sociological Association
German Sociological Association
International Sociological Association


Aulenbacher, B., Riegraf, B., Völker, S.: Feministische Kapitalismuskritik, Einstiege in bedeutende Forschungsfelder mit einem Interview mit Ariel Salleh, Reihe Einstiege, Westfälisches Dampfboot: Münster, 2015
Appelt, E., Aulenbacher, B., Wetterer, A. (Hg.): Gesellschaft. Feministische Krisendiagnosen, Band 37 der Reihe Forum Frauen- und Geschlechterforschung der Sektion Frauen- und Geschlechterforschung in der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie, 2013, Westfälisches Dampfboot: Münster (2. Auflage 2014)
Aulenbacher, B., Dammayr, M. (Hg.): Für sich und andere sorgen, Krise und Zukunft von Care in der modernen Gesellschaft, Reihe Arbeitsgesellschaft im Wandel, BeltzJuventa: Weinheim und Basel, 2014
Aulenbacher, B., Riegraf, B., Theobald, H. (Hg.): Sorge: Arbeit, Verhältnisse, Regime - Care: Work, Relations, Regimes, Soziale Welt, Sonderband 20, Nomos-Verlag: Baden-Baden, 2014


Senior Fellowship, DFG-Kolleg Postwachstumsgesellschaften, Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena