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Mag. Brigitte ÖPPINGER-WALCHSHOFER Managing Director, ADA - Austrian Development Agency, Vienna


1974-1980 Student, Vienna University of Economy and Business, Vienna
1981-1981 Student, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg
1982-1983 Diplomatic Academy Vienna
since 1983 Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Austria, Vienna
1983-1992 Diplomatic postings, Ankara, Paris, Pretoria
1992-1994 Department for the Middle East and Africa, Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Austria, Vienna
1994-1997 Director, Unit for Africa South of the Sahara, Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Austria, Vienna
1997-2001 Deputy Head of Mission, Austrian Embassy London
2001-2006 Ambassador, Embassy of Austria in Ethiopia, Addis Ababa
2005-2006 Permanent Representative to the African Union, Addis Ababa
2006-2007 Head of the Department for Internal Audit, Federal Ministry of European and International Affairs, Vienna
since 2007 Managing Director, Austrian Development Agency, Vienna


Austria's Association for Foreign Politics
Sorooptimist Club Vienna I
Club "Diplomacy and Business"
Rotary Vienna International