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Dr. Bruno LEIBUNDGUT Director for Science, European Southern Observatory (ESO), Garching


1989 Ph.D., University of Basel
1989-1992 Postdoctoral researcher at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics,
  Cambridge, USA
1992-1993 Postdoctoral researcher at University of California, Berkeley, USA
1993-1995 Astronomer in the Science Division of ESO
1995-1998 Deputy ESO VLT Programme Scientist
1998-2001 Head of the data quality control group at ESO
2001-2008 Head of the ESO Office for Science
since 2008 Director for Science at ESO


International Astronomical Union
European Astronomical Society
Swiss Society for Astronomy and Astrophysics
American Astronomical Society


Time dilation in the light curve of the distant supernova SN 1995K, Astrophysical Journal, 1996
Riess, Adam G. et al.: Observational evidence from supernovae for an accelerating universe and a cosmological constant, Astronomical Journal, 1998
Cosmological implications of observations of Type Ia supernovae, Annual Review of Astronomy and Astrophysics, 2001
Supernovae and Cosmology, General Relativity and Gravitation, 2008


Member of the team that was awarded the Science Breakthrough of the Year 1998
Co-recipient of the Peter and Patricia Gruber Prize in Cosmology, 2007