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Dr. Christian LUSCHNIG Institut für Angewandte Genetik und Zellbiologie, BOKU, Wien


1977-1985 Gymnasium in Schwechat, Lower Austria
1986-1991 Studies of Biology at the University of Vienna
1991-1995 Graduate student at the Institute of Botany, University of Vienna
1995 Doctoral degree (Dr. rer. Nat.)
1996-1999 Postdoctoral associate at the Whitehead Institute /MIT, Cambridge MA, USA, group of Dr. Gerald Fink
since 1999 Group leader at the Institute for Applied Genetics and Cell Biology, DAPP, University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Science, Vienna
2007 Habilitation in Molecular Biology




Luschnig, C., et al., Genes Dev, 12, 2175-2187, 1998
Sieberer et al., Curr. Biol., 13, 837-842, 2003
Abas et al., Nat. Cell Biol., 249-256, 2006
Petrasek et al., Science, 312, 914-918, 2006


Schrödinger fellow, 1996 & 1997
APART fellow, 2000