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MMag. Christian MANDL Head, European Policy Coordination Department, Austrian Federal Economic Chamber, Vienna


1982-1987 Studies of Economic Sciences, University of Vienna
1983-1988 Studies of Legal Sciences, University of Vienna
1988-1990 International Studies, University of Vienna
1993-1994 Postgraduate Studies, Nonprofit-Management, University of Freiburg
1988-2001 Federation of Austrian Industry (IV)
1988-1992 Department for Trade and International Monetary Policy, Federation of Austrian Industry
1992-1993 Assistant to the Secretary General, Federation of Austrian Industry
1993-2001 Head, European Information Service (1995-2001 official Euro Info Centre of the European Commission)
1996-2001 Managing Director, Association "Euro Info Centre der Industriellenvereinigung"
1996-2000 Head of Department "European Integration"
2000-2001 Managing Director of the projects "EU-competition law and Austrian Competition Authority" and "Austrian Offset-Opportunities"
since 2001 Head of European Policy Coordination Department, Austrian Federal Economic Chamber WKÖ, Vienna


Austrian Society for European Politics
"Team Europe" (pool of Speakers of the European Commission)
Austrian Chapter to the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC)
Austrian Delegation to the GATT/WTO-Negotiations on Ministerial level


Österreich und die EU, Holzhausen
Fotoband Adalbert Stifter-Gedanken in Bildern, Holzhausen
EU-Erweiterung, NP Verlag
Österreich - von der Monarchie zum EU-Partner, Nomos Verla


Fondation du Mérite Européen: Diplôme d'honneur 2005
Medaille d'argent 2008