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Christine ZULEHNER Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin, Forschungsbereich Arbeitsmarkt, Einkommen und soziale Sicherheit, Österreichisches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung (WIFO), Wien


1994 Masters in Mathematics, Vienna University of Technology
1996 Masters in Economics, Institute for Advanced Studies Vienna
2001 PhD in Economics, Humboldt University Berlin
2008 Habilitation in Economics, University of Vienna
1996-1997 Research fellow at Institute for Advanced Studies Vienna, Department of Finance
1997-1999 Research fellow at Social Science Research Center Berlin, Research Unit Competitiveness and Industrial Change
1999-2008 Assistant professor at University of Vienna, Department of Economics
2005-2006 Visiting fellow at Purdue University, Krannert School of Management, Department of Economics, Schrödinger Fellowship
2008 Visiting fellow at University of California, Berkeley, Institute of European Studies and Department of Economics, Berkeley-Austria-Exchange Program
 since 6/2008 Research staff member at Austrian Institute of Economic Research
 since 11/2008 Lecturer at Universities of Vienna and Graz, Department of Economics


"Bidding behavior in sequential cattle auctions", International Journal of Industrial Organization, 2009, 27(1), 33-42.
"Demand estimation and market definition for broadband internet services", joint with Mélisande Cardona, Anton Schwarz and B. Burcin Yurtoglu, Journal of Regulatory Economics, 2009, 35(1), 70-95.
"Why leverage affects pricing", joint with Pegaret Pichler and Alexander Stomper, Review of Financial Studies, 2008, 21(4), 1733-1765.
"Bidding behavior in Austrian treasury bond auctions", joint with Helmut Elsinger, Monetary Policy and the Economy, 2007, Q2/07, 109-125.
"Wage differences between Austrian men and women in Austria: Semper idem?", joint with René Böheim and Helmut Hofer, Empirica, 2007, 34(3), 213-229. 2
"Testing dynamic oligopolistic interaction: Evidence from the semiconductor industry", International Journal of Industrial Organization, 2003, 21(10), 1527-1556.
"The Effects of Mergers: An International Comparison", joint with Klaus Gugler, Dennis C. Mueller, B. Burcin Yurtoglu, International Journal of Industrial Organization, 2003, 21(5), 625-653.
and other publications