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Dr. Christoph HUBER Professor emeritus, Department of Hematology-Oncology, Medical School, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz; Co-Founder and Advisor, TRON - Translational Oncology at the University Medical Center of the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz gGmbH, Mainz


1990-2009 Chaired the Department of Hematology-Oncology at the Johannes Gutenberg University in Mainz. Before he was director of the Clinical Immunobiology and Stem Cell Transplantation program of the Leopold-Franzens University in Innsbruck. In Mainz he founded the Collaborative Research Centre Tumor Immunology, the Clinical Research Group Allogeneic Lymphocyte Therapy and the Interdisciplinary Immunology Program ICE.
since 2001 Chairs the Association for Cancer Immunotherapy CIMT, the leading European research consortium in the field. He is now VP for Clinical and Regulatory Affairs of the Translational Oncology Institute TRON at the University Medical Centre in Mainz.
 He has received his Medical Degree at the Leopold-Franzens-University in Innsbruck. He was trained in tumor immunology in the 1970ies at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm and the Wallenberg Laboratories in Uppsala. In the early 80es he was trained in stem cell transplantation at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Centre in Seattle. His preclinical and translational research foci are tumor immunology and stem cell transplantation. He has published more than 300 original articles, is editor of standard textbooks and member of the editorial boards of distinguished scientific journals. As reviewer he serves most of the leading national and many other European research foundations.


He was or still is member of multiple academic or company scientific advisory boards. In this function he worked for the German Research Centre Health & Environment in Munich, the German Cancer Research Centre in Heidelberg, the Max Delbrueck Centre Molecular Medicine in Berlin, the Senate Commission of the German Research Council and as deputy chairman of the Research Commission of the German Cancer Aid DKH. He was or is member of scientific advisory boards of Baxter Bioscience, Merck Darmstadt, Novartis Nürnberg, Roche, Ganymed Pharmaceuticals, Immatics, BioNTech and many others. In the late 90ies Christoph Huber became increasingly involved in foundation and development of biotechnology companies with focus on immunodiagnosis and immunotherapy of cancer. He is cofounder, shareholder and member of the supervisory boards of Ganymed Pharmaceuticals, which develops innovative monoclonal antibodies and of BioNTech. BioNTech holds the companies Ribological, EUFETS, TULIP, TheraCode, JPT and UniCell. These companies are involved in development of innovative RNA- or VLP-based tumor vaccines, generation of tumor-specific T cell receptors for adoptive transfer and immunodiagnostics.