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Dr. Daniel RISCH Deputy Head of Government and Minister for Infrastructure, Economy and Sports, Principality of Liechtenstein, Vaduz


1999-2003 Business Administration, University of St. Gallen, University of Zurich and Ludwig-Maximilian University, Munich
2004-2007 Doctorate, Business IT, University of Fribourg
Research Assistant, Competenche Center E-Business, University of Applied Sciences of North Western Switzerland, Basel
Lecturer, University of Applied Sciences of North Western Switzerland, Basel
2007-2014 Various positions: Project Manager, Consultant, Head of Sales, Chief Marketing Officer, Unic AG, Zurich and Bern
2015-2017 Chief Marketing Officer, Liechtensteinische Post AG
since 2017 Deputy Head of Government and Minister for Infrastructure, Economic Affairs and Sports, Principality of Liechtenstein, Vaduz


Member, Party Executive Committee, Vaterländische Union (since 2016)
Member, Board of Directors, IKT Forum Liechtenstein (2015-2017)
Various directorships and supervisory board memeberships in Liechtenstein, Switzerland, Germany and Austria (2014-2017)
Member, Founding Committee, Organising Committee and Patronage Body, FL1.LIFE, Schaan (since 2009)