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Prof. Dennis MEADOWS President, Laboratory for Interactive Learning; Writer; Consultant, Durham, NH


1969-1972 Member of the faculty, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Sloan School of Business
1972-1988 Dartmouth College School of Business and School of Engineering
 Director of the US-USSR Environmental Education Exchange Program in the 1980s
1983-1984 Director of the Division of Integrated and Special Studies, International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, Laxenburg, Austria
1988-2004 University of New Hampshire
 Visiting Scientist to federal organizations in Norway and Netherlands.


Past President of: International System Dynamics Society and of the International Simulation and Games Association.
Associate Editor, Simulation and Games
Member Cosmos Club in Washington, DC


Author or co-author of nine books translated into over 30 languages. Designer of computer-assisted management training games used in 50 countries with senior officials.


Fulbright Fellow to the USSR, 1989
Four honorary doctorates
Medal of honor from the Hungarian President, 2006
Recipient of peace prize from the German Committee for UNESCO, 2007
Japan Prize laureate, 2009