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Dr. Dervilla DONNELLY Chairman, Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies, Dublin; Member, Austrian Council for Research and Technology Development, Vienna


1948-1954 Studied Chemistry at the University College Dublin, National University of Ireland
1955-1956 Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of California, Los Angeles
1956-1978 Lecturer in Organic Chemistry, University College Dublin
1971 Research Fellow: Kunglia Tekniska Högskolän, Stockholm, Sweden
1978-1980 Leader of the delegation to the CSCE meetings in Bonn and Hamburg to promote security and co-operation in Europe
1978-1983 Member of the National Board for Science and Technology (NBST)
1979-1996 Professor of Phytochemistry, University College Dublin
1982-1984 President of the Phytochemical Society of Europe
1984 Irish representative on the EEC Committee for Training in Science and Technology (ACPM-STT)
1985-1990 Chairman, European Science Research Councils, (ESRC)
1989-1992 Vice-Chairman of the Board of Governors and Guardians of the National Gallery of Ireland
President of the Royal Dublin Society
1990-1991 Senior Vice-President, Royal Irish Academy
1994 Chairman, National Education Convention
1994-1996 President, Institute of Chemistry of Ireland
1997-1999 Council Member, Royal Society of Chemistry
1997-1998 Senior Vice-President, Royal Irish Academy
1998-2000 Vice-President and Member of the Executive Council of the European Science Foundation
1998 Chairman, INTAS Evaluation group
Chairman, INCO 5 year evaluation
Chairman, Evaluation Committee OECD Programme "Megascience Forum"
2001-2005 Chairman, Commission for Assisted Human Reproduction
2005 Member of the Board of National Museum of Ireland and Chair of the Audit Committee
2006 Member of Council Royal Irish Academy


Royal Irish Academy (MRIA), 1968
Royal Society of Chemistry (FRSC), Fellow
Royal Hibernian Academy (HRHA), Fellow
Interim Review Group for Institutions in the Technological Sector, Chairman, since 1997
Austrian Council for Research and Technology Development, since 2000


Some 150 Scientific Publications. Science policy and evaluation reports


D.Sc. h.c., Dublin University (Trinity College)
D.Sc. h.c., The Queens University Belfast
D.Sc. h.c., Nottingham University
D.Litt. h. c., National University of Ireland
Honorary Fellow, Royal Hibernian Academy (HRHA)
Charter Day Medallist (UCD)
Boyle Medallist 2000