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Dr. Detlev BUCHHOLZ Speaker, Hochschulnetzwerk "Bildung durch Verantwortung", Kassel


1999-2002 Executive Board's Assistant, Wilhelm-Büchner-Hochschule, Darmstadt
2002-2007 Director, Studies in Computer Science, Wilhelm-Büchner-Hochschule, Darmstadt
2007-2008 Dean, Engineering Faculty, Wilhelm-Büchner-Hochschule, Darmstad
2008-2014 President, Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences, Frankfurt


Executive Board, German Higher Education Network "Education by Responsibility"
Grants Committee, House of Logistics and Mobility, Hesse
Advisory Committee, Education / Economic Affiras Council, Hesse
Völklinger Kreis - German Association of Gay Managers


Vielfalt in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland - sie ist da, aber nicht gewollt, In: VK-Newsletter 4/14, Berlin, Völklinger Kreis, 2014
The Aesthetic Relation of Electric Instruments and Technology, In: Braun, H.-J. (Hg.): Transforming Economies and Civilizations. The Role of Technology, Leicester, 2006
The Sound of Technology, In: Böhme, G. (Hg.): International Conference on Technological and Aesthetic (Trans)Formations of Society, Darmstadt, 2005
Zweckorientierte automatische Musikkomposition, Wiesbaden, 2001