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Ph.D. Diane SHOOMAN Artist; Professor, University of Applied Sciences Technikum Wien


1987 Ph.D., Comparative Literature, Brown University, Providence, RI, USA
1986-1989 Assistant Professor, German Studies and Comparative Literature, Oberlin College, Clark University, Skidmore College
1989-1990 Freelance writer and editor, Hong Kong
since 1990 Trainer, Callagy English for Executives KEG, Vienna
Invited to perform own material and moderate/perform at diverse art, music and theater events (on average twice a year)
1991-1997 External Consultant, United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), Vienna. Strategies for and implementation of technical reports, manuals and outreach materials for Industrial Operations and Human Resources Development, with an emphasis on entrepreneurship development for Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) and women in industry.
since 1995 Invited to contribute essays on dance, Falter Zeitschrift Gesmbh
since 1998 Lecturer, University of Art, Linz
since 1999 Lecturer, FH-Technikum-Wien, Vienna
since 2004 Foreign Languages Dept. Coordinator for Biomedical Engineering, Mechatronics/Robotics, and Intelligent Transport Services degree programs, FH Technikum-Wien, Vienna
Invited to write an annual column on dance, Falter Zeitschrift Gesmbh
 Current positions:
 FH Professor, FH Technikum-Wien
 Lecturer, Institute of Fine Arts and Cultural Studies, University of Art, Linz, Austria
 Senior Trainer, Callagy English for Executives KEG
 Performer/Moderator in the free art, music and theater scenes in Vienna
 Freelance Essayist/Columnist on dance, Falter Zeitschrift Gesmbh, Vienna


Honorary Member, Society of Friends of the TanzQuartier Wien (Freundeskreis TQW), Vienna


Fragen Sie Dr. Shooman: Was Sie schon immer über Tanz fragen wollten und nicht zu wissen wagten: Unsere Tanzombudsfrau gibt Auskunft. A Q&A column about dance, Falter Special Edition, ImPulsTanz, 2004 and 2005
Technology, the City and Me, IGIP/IEEE/ASEE 33rd International Symposium Proceedings, 2004
Sex with the City, Essay on the significance of columns, and in particular caryatids, in Viennese architecture. Website, 2002
Der Tanz ist wie eine Rose, Essay on the impact of globalization on contemporary dance, as compared with the effect of internationalist thought on modern dance in the early 20th century, Falter Special Edition, ImPulsTanz01, 2001


Fachhochschul-Professorin, FH Technikum-Wien, Vienna, 2006
Sparverein die Unzertrennlichen Theater Group Oswald Prize of the Decade for Best Actress/Singer in a Leading Role for the portrayal of Mme. Duritz in Flauberts "Das Schwache Geschlecht" /"The Weaker Sex"), Dir. Kurt Palm, Sargfabrik, Vienna, 1999