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Dr. jur. Dieter BÖHMDORFER Attorney at Law, B&S - Böhmdorfer - Schender Rechtsanwälte GmbH, Vienna


1967 Graduation Dr. jur., University of Vienna
1973 Admission to the Bar Association in Vienna
2000-2004 Federal Minister of Justice
Member Court of Justice of the European Union
2003-2005 Member Executive Committee and the Plenum of the Austrian Convention
2004-2005 Delegate to the National Assembly of Austria
since 2011 Partner of B&S Böhmdorfer Schender Rechtsanwälte GmbH


Co-Author, Musterverträge für alle geschäftlichen Vorgänge, WEKA-Verlag


Grand Decoration of Honour in Gold with Sash
Decoration of Honour of the Austrian Bar Association
Grand Cross of the Princely Liechtenstein Order of Merit