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Dr. Dimitrij RUPEL Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia, Ljubljana


1966-1967 Spent a year at the University of Essex in Great Britain
1970 Graduated in comparative literature and sociology at the University of Ljubljana
1971-1972 Studied at Brandeis University in Boston, USA, where he received a Ph.D. in sociology. During this time his literary, journalistic and critical writings were finding publishers. He also worked as a translator and editor. Due to political difficulties, he was not allowed to lecture at the University of Ljubljana and was unable to advance his career.
1977-1978 Lecturer at Queen's University in Canada
1985 Lecturer at the New School for Social Research in New York
1989 Lecturer at Cleveland State University
 In the 1980s he joined other writers and intellectuals in initiating and editing the 'alternative' Nova Revija that published the 'Slovenian National Programme' in 1987 and confronted the communist authorities of the time. Dimitrij Rupel and his associates founded and led the Slovene Democratic Alliance, which in 1990 prior to the first democratic election formed an alliance with other anti-communist parties to form DEMOS (Democratic Opposition of Slovenia). DEMOS won the first election and Mr. Rupel became the first Minister of Foreign Affairs of independent Slovenia in the first Slovenian democratic government. In this role he fundamentally contributed to the international acclamation of the new country.
1989-1990 President of Slovenian Democratic Alliance
1990-1993 Minister of Foreign Affairs
1992 Professor at the University of Ljubljana
1992-1995 Member of the National Assembly (Parliament)
1994-1997 Mayor of Ljubljana
1997-2000 Slovenian Ambassador to the USA
since 2000 Minister of Foreign Affairs
2005 Chairman-in-Office of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE)
2008 President of the EU General Affairs and External relations Council (GAERC)


Member of many Slovenian and international associations such as PEN, AAASS, the Slovenian Writers' Association, and the Slovenian Sociological Association


In recent years he has had several articles on international relations and foreign policy published. He also published several books on sociology, history, international relations and personal memoirs, the most recent being:
Slovenian Path to Independence and Recognition, 1992
Secret of State, 1992
Disenchanted Slovenia, 1993
Time of Politics, 1994
Unity, Happiness, Reconciliation, 1996
Freedom Against State, 1998
Meetings and Partings, 2001
Taking Over the Success Story, 2004