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Dr. Dinesh MOHAN Volvo Chair Professor, TRIPP - Transportation Research and Injury Prevention Programme, Indian Institute of Technology, New Delhi


1975-1978 Senior Bioengineer, Research Department, Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, Washington, D.C.
  Responsible for the development and management of research projects of biological and biomechanical nature.
 Since 1978 Volvo Chair Professor Transportation Research and Injury Prevention Programme, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi
 Research and teaching: Transportation research (safety and pollution), human tolerance biomechanics, motor vehicle safety, road traffic injuries, childhood injuries


Board of International Research Council on Biomechanics of Injury
WHO Expert Advisory Panel on Accident Prevention
National Transport Development Planning Committee, India


7 books, 190 scientific papers und 150 newspaper and magazine articles.


Distinguished Alumnus Award, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay
International Distinguished Career Award, American Public Health Association
Award of Merit for outstanding research in traffic safety, Association for Advancement of Automotive Medicine, 1991