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Dr. Dirk HOLLÄNDER Director and Partner, zeb Group, Münster


 Since 1999 zeb.
 - Responsibility for the overall global program for changing the management logic of a German universal bank with strong investment banking, global outside-in analyses / benchmarking for group management (focus: KPIs, value drivers and reporting), development and implementation of a KPI / VBM concept and establishment of balance sheet management; training the entire finance area (over 1000 staff) about the new management logic and technical implementation; project sites: Frankfurt, London, New York and Singapore
 - Strategic / business policy realignment of the finance / treasury segment at a German state bank, as well as development and execution of the measure plan for effectively downsizing the segments (personnel / infrastructure costs)
 - Development of a comprehensive FTP concept and reporting methodology for a (top 3) German retail bank, while considering the special features of the non-core portfolio and group limitations
 - Various projects for strategic alignment of treasury / ALM in large and state banks, incl. adjusting the relevant management concepts in Germany and Switzerland
 - Regular executive training and coaching sessions about issues regarding total bank management and treasury management